Monday 23 January 2012

How To Pick Up Women In The Street

Sooooo many guys wish they could have the skills to pick up women in the street, but never have the right amount of knowledge or persistence to do so.

Today I want to run through a few key things you must do if you want to become successful at street game.

WARNING: This takes a little time to learn, so if you're afraid of getting your hands dirty and sticking with the rejection, then you need to leave now fool!

Right then, back to the good stuff...

1. The warmup

First things first, you need to warm up just like you would in the gym and chat to a couple of "throw away" girls.

Take the term on board lightly, what I mean by throw away is speaking to girls which wouldn't normally be your type, but just helps you get into state and feel a lot more confident about approaching a girl in the street.

Trust me on this one... the first girl is ALWAYS the hardest one. After your first successful interaction, no matter what the girl looks like, you'll feel much more comfortable with approaching girls in the street.

2. Open, hook and close

Ok, so now you have the warmups dealt with, it's time to move onto the nitty gritty.

The first girl you see that blows you away, run straight over to her and open her by saying something out of the ordinary and complimentary.

So for example; "Hey, excuse me I just wanted to say I think you little incredibly cute in that dress".

This will grab her attention, make her stop and also acknowledge you.

Now that you have her attention, you need to hook her into a short conversation by stating observations.

Something like "You look Swedish..."

She''ll respond with something and then, you keep making statements (guessing) that keep the conversation flowing.

Lastly, you need to close... this means getting a solid number that you can follow up with later.

Saying something like "Listen, I need to get back to my friends in the coffee shop, but let's grab a drink some time".

Once she agrees, take your phone out, make sure she gets hers out and then put your number into her phone, call your phone and then say "Cool, I'll speak to you soon".

That's street game! Knowing how to pick up women in the street is SOOOO easy when you know how dude, just keep the banter short and sweet, body language ice cool and that's it. Good luck!

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